Single Lane

BC 100 - Portioning Machine

Designed for precision cutting of smaller portions

  • High precision for small fixed-weight portions
  • Smaller footprint, bigger impact
  • Sustainable and cost-efficient

High speed cutting of smaller portions of fish, poultry and meat. Ideal for strips and cubes.

Optimized for small products

Cuts up to 2,170 cuts per minute, increasing production speed.

Ultra-thin blade technology

Utilizes a 0.7mm blade—significantly thinner than conventional 1.5–2mm blades—for minimal product impact and superior accuracy.

Sustainable, space-saving design

Compact build with an air-cooled motor, eliminating the need for water cooling for greater efficiency and eco-friendliness

Precision cuts that make a difference

Borncut 100 single lane portioning machine for fish, poultry and meat

BC 100 serving the dual lane Cube Maste Line

Transform the efficiency of your strip and cube portioning with superior speed and accuracy packed into one production line.

Full control on the machine

Transform your portioning process.